Help us plant trees
Thursday 21 November, 2024
Thursday 21 November, 2024
Join us to help plant 500 trees in Sittingbourne
Swale Borough Council is organising a community planting day, on Tuesday 26 November, at Milton Creek Country Park.
The event starts at 9am and is open to anyone, including schools, groups, businesses and local people.
All planting equipment will be provided, but people are being asked to bring their own gloves and wear appropriate footwear.
These trees were provided by National Highways who are giving away 600,000 trees a year in their mission to plant 3 million trees across the country.
The council will be planting more trees across the borough in December, with a mix of whips (young trees) and standard trees depending on the suitability of the location.
These trees forms part of the second phase of the 15,000 trees the council plan to plant over the next two years, thanks to a government grant of £273,400.
The Forestry Commission’s Local Authority Tree Fund aims to restore trees to areas impacted by disease and habitat loss, caused by both natural processes and human activity.
The events next month will be in Satis Avenue, Sittingbourne and Newman Drive, Sittingbourne, with more to come in Queenborough and Faversham Recreation Ground so keep an eye out for future volunteering opportunities.
A wide variety of native trees will be planted including apple, pine, birch, oak, willow, maple, lime and many more.
Cllr Rich Lehmann, Chair of the Environment and Climate Change Committee said:
“Trees are an important part of all our lives. They provide us with clean air to breathe, food to eat and help to manage water levels to protect us from flooding.
“We’ve already done a lot of work to increase the number of trees across the borough, and planted over 10,000 last winter.
"We’ve got more work to do to get the 15,000 new trees in the ground, but we've already seen a tremendous amount of support from the community, with people volunteering their time – and their sweat - to plant trees all across the borough.
“It would be great to see even more people coming along to help us at this event and any future tree planting volunteer days.”
You can find information about more community planting days or any cancellations due to inclement weather on Swale Borough Council’s social media.