Faversham referendum
Wednesday 16 October, 2024
Wednesday 16 October, 2024
People in Faversham are being asked to vote on the new Neighbourhood Plan.
Following a public consultation the Faversham Neighbourhood Plan was approved by an independent examiner and now a referendum will be held on Thursday 21 November to decide if the plan will come into force.
Neighbourhood plans are important tools that allow communities to have a direct say on developments in their local area.
The Faversham Neighbourhood Plan was put together by the Faversham Neighbourhood Planning Group, consisting of Faversham Town Council and the Faversham Society in consultation with the local community.
The plan covers a range of development topics such as maintaining Faversham’s heritage, sustainable housing growth, transport and promoting active travel, such as walking and cycling, and protecting Faversham’s green spaces and natural environments until 2038.
Cllr Alastair Gould, chair of the Planning and Transportation Policy Working Group, said:
“The Neighbourhood Planning Group worked closely with the community to create this plan, and after consultation with the public and examination by an independent examiner, it is ready to be voted on.
“It is very important that you read the plan and, if you live in Faversham, cast your vote in this referendum.
“It is an opportunity for you to have your say on the document which will inform decisions on heritage, regeneration and more and will have a profound effect on the future of Faversham.”
You can vote in the upcoming referendum if you are eligible to vote in the local elections and live in the referendum area, which includes Priory Ward, Abbey Ward, St. Ann’s Ward, Watling Ward.
To find out more information about the referendum and to read the Faversham Neighbourhood Plan visit Swale Borough Council’s referendum page, https://swale.gov.uk/planning-and-regeneration/local-plans/neighbourhood-planning/faversham/referendum