Staying Put making a difference
Tuesday 28 January, 2025
Tuesday 28 January, 2025
Elderly, vulnerable or disabled residents can get help to repair, adapt or improve their homes with Swale Borough Council’s Staying Put home improvement agency.
The council has worked with over 1,272 people in Swale last year to give them advice and practical assistance, helping them regain their independence, confidence and dignity.
The Staying Put team can provide free health and safety checks at your home, identifying any repairs or adaptations people may need and walk them through any grant applications.
They can fix smaller issues that may lead to falls injuries or even lead to people being admitted to hospital, completely for free, helping 232 people through their fall and hospital admission prevention programme last year.
These works can include fitting grabrails, banister rails, installing key safes, lowering thresholds, steps, ramps and other safety measures.
But if the issues are more significant the Staying Put team can help you apply for a grant scheme - Disabled Facilities Grant, funded by the UK government viaKent County Council - that can help provide more costly home adaptations.
The maximum grant that can be given is £30,000 with typical adaptations including stairlifts, external access ramps, door widening for wheelchair access and level access showers.
The council have facilitated 118 of these life changing adaptations last year, where they helped with the grant process, found contractors and supervised the works.
Staying Put has also helped 93 people throughout last year get back into their homes from hospital, many having suffered traumatic accidents that greatly impacted their lives.
They were unable to be discharged from hospital until adaptations were made to their homes, with the council service helping improve their freedom and quality of life.
Cllr Angela Harrison, chair of the council’s Housing and Health Committee, said:
“We want everyone in Swale to feel safe and secure in their homes and our Staying Put initiative is making a huge difference to the elderly, vulnerable and the people living with disabilities.
“There are some people they have been able to help whoweren’t able to go to their first floor for years, and thanks to our teams work a stair lift was installed, which has since greatly improved their freedom.
“These kinds of improvements can be incredibly costly and without the support of grants from KCC and the counselling and assistance from our officers many of these people would continue living in a home that doesn’t allow them to lead healthier and happier lives.
“If you or someone you know is living in a house that doesn’t suit your needs, or if you recently had a fall, please reach out to us – we may be able to help improve your homes for free.”
If you would like further information, please contact the Staying Put Team on 01795 417131 or email stayingputall@swale.gov.uk.