Mayor's charities announced
Friday 7 June, 2024
Friday 7 June, 2024
Mayor of Swale Cllr Ben J Martin has announced Lupus UK and SATEDA as his chosen charities for the year ahead.
Cllr Martin was elected as Mayor at Swale Borough Council’s annual council meeting last month, taking over from Cllr Sarah Stephen.
Each year, the new Mayor chooses two charities to focus their fundraising efforts on.
SATEDA is a local domestic abuse charity that helps women and children escape and heal from the violence and trauma they experience from the people closest to them.
Lupus UK is a national charity that supports people with lupus and campaigns to create awareness for the disease and help with early diagnosis.
Cllr Ben J Martin, Mayor of Swale, said:
“It is a great honour to represent the people of Swale as Mayor and I am looking forward to fundraising for these important charities.
“SATEDA is a local charity doing amazing work; supporting the vulnerable women and girls who face abuse from the people in their lives they should be able to trust.
“They actively help women escape those situations and provide them with much needed mental health support, they also provide free clothing and much more.
“I have also selected Lupus UK as my other charity, I have worked closely with a number of people who live with Lupus and it can be a debilitating condition, with symptoms including extreme fatigue, rashes and joint pain.
“As an autoimmune condition it can lead to further complications, as the immune system can attack the bodies organs, with many people suffering from lupus also experiencing food intolerances and sensitivity to sun light.
“Whilst there is no cure, Lupus UK are working hard to provide support to people with the disease that makes their lives easier, they are also funding research into lupus.
“I will do everything possible to champion these two charities and raise funds to help them with their important work, for that to be a success I will need the support of the people in Swale.
“Please look out for the campaigns I will run and, if you are able to, please support them with donations or your time through volunteering.”