Help to tackle damp and mould
Tuesday 14 January, 2025
Monday 10 February, 2025
People are being urged to take action against damp and mould in their homes.
Swale Borough Council has launched a campaign to work with tenants, landlords, letting agents and the voluntary sector to help tackle damp and mould and keep people healthy and safe at home.
With support from the Government’s Healthy Homes scheme, the council has brought in extra staff to provide training and advice to landlords, attend community events, and carry out inspections of rental properties.
Damp and mould can significantly impact people’s health, particularly their respiratory system.
In severe cases, exposure can lead to fungal infections, make existing conditions like asthma and COPD worse, cause eye irritation, skin conditions including eczema and mental health issues due to living in poor conditions.
It costs the NHS over £30 million every year to treat people suffering from illnesses related to damp and mould in their homes.
Some people are more vulnerable to the health risks of damp and mould, including children and elderly people, pregnant women, those with weakened immune systems and people with pre-existing health conditions.
Cllr Angela Harrison, chair of the councils housing and health committee, said:
“Everyone deserves to live in a home that keeps them safe and healthy. Damp and mould can cause respiratory illnesses, which is one of the biggest killers in the country.
“Water getting in from outside, or leaks from the plumbing can sometimes be the cause, but it’s usually humidity from poor insulation, ventilation, heating or overcrowding - the early warning sign is usually heavy condensation on windows.
“Opening windows, tackling moisture after cooking or showering, and keeping homes at a comfortable temperature can all help with mild condensation that can cause damp and mould.
“When that doesn’t work, we’ve got advice for landlords and homeowners on about what they can do to resolve the problem. This could be improving ventilation systems, upgrading insulation, or addressing structural issues around the property.
“We’ve also got advice for tenants and landlords on their legal rights and responsibilities, and, if necessary, we can inspect properties and we will take action if we find issues putting people’s health at risk.”
There is information and advice about damp and mould on the council’s website and council officers will be giving training to community partners, giving advice at the council’s landlord forum, creating specialist courses for landlords and offering drop-in help to tenants at the One Swale Roadshows.
These monthly events bring charities and organisations together to help people struggling with the cost of living crisis.
You can find crucial support and advice, including on damp and mould, at:
- 14 Jan: Eastern Sheppey Community Hub, Leysdown
- 20 Feb: Heather House Sittingbourne
- 4 March: The Salvation Army Community Centre, Faversham
- 27 March: Sheppey Gateway, Sheerness
All events run 9:30-11:30 am.